Our Services

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Therapeutic Approach

Knowing that humans are created for relationship and our sense of connection is consistently compromised by the pain and suffering found in this world, our therapeutic approach begins with experiencing safety in human connection.  We honor a client's autonomy and personhood by providing an environment that allows one to be felt, seen and understood.  
Humor, creativity, art, and music also play important roles in the process of connection and change. Because the relationship between counselor and client serves as a model for healthy interpersonal skill-building, the therapeutic relationship is deeply valued and motivational in creating desired change as defined by the client.
Counseling services are rendered by a Christian worldview. There is no expectation that a client shares the same beliefs; however, each client has the right to know the worldview of the counselor. 
Christianity teaches that we are created to be in relationship with God and one another, but because of the brokenness of our world, our frustrated longings for relationship often result in various emotional, psychological, relational, social, and physical problems. Many aspects of our fallen world contribute to these problems including historical, cultural, biological, psychosocial, personal, and emotional factors. 
If you feel uncomfortable with our approach, we can refer you to someone who might fit your expectations and needs better.

Our practice focuses on treating the following:


Boundary issues/development

Childhood Trauma/Abuse


Complex PTSD/Attachment-Wounding


Grief & loss

Perinatal/Postpartum-related issues

Relational stressors/conflicts

Spiritual Issues

Treatment-resistant mental health symptoms

Work/Career Issues

Treatment Specialities


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma.


Using sand and various figures and items, we are able to visually convey our emotions and our felt experience. This allows for a fuller and deeper processing of what is going on inside of us.


Professional consultative services can assist anyone in the professional or public sectors with questions about professional counseling or opportunities to improve trauma-informed care skills. 

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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